Projects I've Built

Haiku Reviews

Description: Full-stack web app which houses video game reviews in the form of haikus.  Stores info in a Java-based database using JPA and generates web pages from HTML templates using Spring and Thymeleaf. Uses HTML forms, Javascript, and AJAX to allow users to add/delete comments and review tags. 

Tools Used: Java, Spring, JPA, HTML, CSS, Grid/Flexbox, Thymeleaf, Javascript, AJAX, Git, TDD, OOP

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Virtual Pet Shelter

Description: Game in which the user runs a virtual pet shelter with both organic and robotic cats  and dogs. Uses Java’s object-oriented features to manage pets’ stats. Specific types of pets, such as dogs and robot pets, have distinct stats and use Java interfaces to add extra abilities, while all pets inherit other shared stats. 

Tools Used: Java 8, Git, TDD, OOP

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Hospital Management System

Description: App demonstrating a simple employee management system for a hospital. User can search by name or unique ID number, as well as add and remove employees from the roster. User can also display all employees with specific capabilities.

Tools Used: Java 8, Git, TDD, OOP

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